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St. John’s Wort Tea

St. John’s Wort Tea


St John’s wort is a native European plant with a long history, dating back to the times of Dioscorides and Hippocrates. It is also called hypericum and has been used to treat nervous disorders since the time of the Swiss physician Paracelsus (1493-1541).

Take to assist in the management of mood swings and to  relieve symptoms of anxiety, nervous unrest, restlessness and sleeplessness.

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St John’s wort is a native European plant with a long history, dating back to the times of Dioscorides and Hippocrates. It is also called hypericum and has been used to treat nervous disorders since the time of the Swiss physician Paracelsus (1493-1541).

In recent years, clinical trials have shown that St John’s wort can assist significantly in the management of mood swings, which supports its traditional nervine uses. In fact, it is one of the best-known herbs for treating nervous conditions. The therapeutic dose helps relieve symptoms of anxiety, nervous unrest, restlessness and sleeplessness.

Medicinal Use

Take to assist in the management of mood swings and to  relieve symptoms of anxiety, nervous unrest, restlessness and sleeplessness.

Claims are based on traditional use in western herbal medicine.

Features / Benefits

  • Listed with the Therapeutic Goods  Administration (TGA) as a herbal medicine.
  • Contains appropriate information based on latest findings.
  • Contains no artificial colours, preservatives, caffeine, gluten, sugars or lactose.
  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Teabags are packed in long-life foil bags to retain freshness and potency.
  • Least expensive way of taking a herbal medicine.

Contains St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) herb dry: 2 g per teabag


Infuse one teabag (or two 5 mL level metric teaspoons) with one cup of boiling water, steep and cover for ten minutes.
Adults: take one cup twice daily.
Children from 6 to 12 years: take one cup daily.


Use only as directed.
If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner.
Photosensitivity may develop, especially in people with fair skin.

Medical advice is recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

Duration of use

Favorable results can be expected between 10-14 days.

Interactions with other drugs

St John’s wort affects the way some prescription medicines work – consult your doctor.

Delivery and Returns Content description. (to be updated)