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HBF Active Enzyme High Fibre 20 sachets

HBF Active Enzyme High Fibre 20 sachets


HBF Active Enzyme High Fibre Beverage, 20 sachets

– Naturally Occurring Organic Food

Good Health Begins with a Healthy Colon

Active bowel movement (2 – 3 times daily) is essential for good healthy and outer beauty.

Present day ailments are often a direct result from an unhealthy colon. It has been stated by the Royal Society of Medicine from Great Britain that more than 65 different health problems are caused by an unhealthy colon and an average person may have 1 – 12 kilograms of build-up waste present witihin the colon. This would subsequently lead to diseases brought about by the accumulation of bacteria and toxins within the colon. Threrefore, internal cleansing is required for a healthy, active lifestyle, especially in a fast-paced society where the consumption of fast food is considered a norm.

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HBF Active Enzyme High Fiber Beverage, 20 sachets
– Naturally Occurring Organic Food –

Good Health Begins with a Healthy Colon

Active bowel movement (2 – 3 times daily) is essential for good healthy and outer beauty.

Present day ailments are often a direct result from an unhealthy colon. It has been stated by the Royal Society of Medicine from Great Britain that more than 65 different health problems are caused by an unhealthy colon and an average person may have 1 – 12 kilograms of build-up waste present witihin the colon. This would subsequently lead to diseases brought about by the accumulation of bacteria and toxins within the colon. Threrefore, internal cleansing is required for a healthy, active lifestyle, especially in a fast-paced society where the consumption of fast food is considered a norm.

Bowel movements and a healthy digestive system:
Bowel movements should occur 2-3 times daily after each meal. Irregular movements could be the cause of a dysfunctioning colon. The colon serves the liver as well as the body”s entire organs. It is important to ensure that the colon is clean and functions properly, or else other organs may be affected.

Irregular bowel movement may be a tell-tale sign of a dysfunctional colon. Bowel movement should occur 2 – 3 times daily, especially after a meal. A healthy colon is vital for various bodily organs to function properly.

Symptoms of an unhealthy colon:
Inability to Concentrate
Slow Reflexes
Dry Lips during the Day
Heart Palpatations
Inability to Lose Weight
Excessive Flatulence
Skin Conditions

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