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Floradix Formula Liquid Iron 500ml

Floradix Formula Liquid Iron 500ml


Floradix Formula Liquid Iron supports women throughout their lifetimes – before, during and after the childbearing years. For the thousands of women who find they are unable to remain free from constipation commonly caused by iron supplementation, Floradix is the natural iron solution.

Iron is one of the most common dietary deficiencies, affecting as many as 4-5 billion people or 66-80% of the world’s population, according to the World Health Organization.

Some of the symptoms of iron deficiency are:
• Fatigue and general lack of energy
• Decreased ability to concentrate
• Decreased endurance during exercise
• Increased frequency of infection
• Paleness and/or dark circles under the eyes
• Brittle hair and nails
• Cold hands and feet.

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Floradix Formula Liquid Iron supports women throughout their lifetimes – before, during and after the childbearing years. For the thousands of women who find they are unable to remain free from constipation commonly caused by iron supplementation, Floradix is the natural iron solution.

Iron is one of the most common dietary deficiencies, affecting as many as 4-5 billion people or 66-80% of the world’s population, according to the World Health Organization.

Some of the symptoms of iron deficiency are:
• Fatigue and general lack of energy
• Decreased ability to concentrate
• Decreased endurance during exercise
• Increased frequency of infection
• Paleness and/or dark circles under the eyes
• Brittle hair and nails
• Cold hands and feet

Iron deficiency (pre-anemia) and anemia have also been linked to PMS, depression, decreased fertility and complications in pregnancy. An early diagnosis of pre-anemia can be achieved with a simple blood test called serum ferritin, allowing for easy correction and prevention of the progression of symptoms.

The average person’s body will only dissolve and absorb 20% of most solid supplements and will eliminate the remaining 80%, possibly causing side effects such as constipation, gas and bloating. Because Floradix is a liquid solution and does not need to dissolve, 98% of the iron is available for quick potential absorption. As a matter of fact, Floradix was found in a recent study to be faster and more effective at bringing iron stores back to normal than iron from food, and can help women boost the average diet, which contains only 8-10mg/day, in order to meet the recommended daily iron intake of 18mg.

Highly absorbable iron compounds
Floradix boasts the highest possible iron absorption rate: up to 25% is absorbed for potential utilization (that’s more than twice the absorption of other iron supplements or even dietary iron) due to its liquid format as well as the organically bound iron gluconate and co-factors. Better absorption means you don’t need to take as much. In a recent study, it was found that due to the high absorption rate of Floradix, very little unabsorbed iron enters into the intestinal tract and therefore constipation is unlikely to occur.

Because Floradix is so highly absorbable, the dosage can be much lower than other iron supplements while still satisfying daily supplemental iron requirements. As well, there is no risk of excess iron storage, making Floradix safe for long-term, daily use.

Iron is needed daily in order for your body to keep making new red blood cells, which transport oxygen and permit energy production. Vital for growth and optimal functioning, iron is required in varying amounts throughout the stages of your life. Research has shown that declining iron stores are responsible for numerous health concerns.

Decreased fertility has been linked to low iron stores.
Before and during pregnancy, low iron can be responsible for improper placenta development and occurrences of pre-term & low birth weight babies.
In infants & children, low iron can cause inadequate production of red blood cells needed for growth.
In toddlers & school-aged children, iron deficiency can cause poor learning, memory and behavioral problems as well as developmental delays.
From the ages of around 15 to 55, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy & lactation increase the need for iron.
In both men & women over 59, iron deficiency has become the most common deficiency due to the body’s decreased ability to absorb nutrients.
Athletes and those who exercise regularly lose iron through sweat & the digestive tract, putting them at risk for deficiency and decreased endurance.


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