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Dandelion Root 30 teabags

Dandelion Root 30 teabags


Dandelion is classified as choleretic, a herb that improves bile flow and hepatoprotective, a herb that protects liver cells.

It is taken to help regulate liver and gallbladder function, to assist in the management of dyspepsia (gastric discomfort after eating), to stimulate appetite and the flow of bile from the gallbladder, and to aid in the treatment of fluid retention.

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Dandelion can be found growing everywhere – many people treat it as a troublesome garden weed to be eradicated, however it has so much to offer in terms of food and medicine and should be treated with more respect. The name dandelion is derived from the French ‘dent de lion’ meaning tooth of the lion.

The liver plays a vital role in detoxification and many other metabolic processes in the body. Herbalists believe that a poorly-functioning liver can have a wide-ranging impact on overall health.

Dandelion is classified as choleretic, a herb that improves bile flow and hepatoprotective, a herb that protects liver cells.

My dandelion teabags are most beneficial, especially when taken to help regulate liver and gallbladder function.

Medicinal Use

Take to help regulate liver and gallbladder function, to assist in the management of dyspepsia (gastric discomfort after eating), to stimulate appetite and the flow of bile from the gallbladder, and to aid in the treatment of fluid retention.

Claims are based on traditional use in western herbal medicine.

Active Ingredients

Each teabag contains Dandelion root dry 4 g (4000 mg).

Features / Benefits

* Listed with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as a herbal medicine.
* Contains appropriate information based on latest findings.
* Contains no artificial colours, preservatives, caffeine, gluten, sugars or lactose.
* Suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
* Packed in long-life foil bags to retain freshness and potency.
* Least expensive way of taking a herbal medicine.

Volume: 30 Teabags

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