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Showing 1–12 of 24 results

  • This Original Swedish Bitters is free from artificial ingredients, recipe was found among the writings of the well-know Swedish physician, rector of medicine. Dr. Samst. Swedish Bitters is a liquid extract of 11 traditional herbs. These pure and natural ingredients have been extracted so that essential constituents are released. It’s ideal, particularly after a heavy meal. Helps to keep the digestive system comfortable and regular. Can also be used externally and to make a comforting compress.

    • Promotes eye health
    • Strengthens the eyes
    • Useful when taken with eye exercise programs

    100% Pure Herbs | No Fillers | Vegan | No Chemical Additives

    • Supports the adrenal glands
    • Helps fight chronic fatigue & tiredness
    • Helpful for the lower back, knees and ankles
    • Supports the nervous system

    100% Pure Herbs | No Fillers | Vegan | No Chemical Additives

    • Improves digestive function
    • Strengthen the stomach
    • Helpful against bloating and flatulence

    100% Pure Herbs | No Fillers | Vegan | No Chemical Additives

  • Food based assimilable minerals & micronutrients

    • Quickly replenishes depleted mineral reserves
    • Good source of organic iodine, calcium, silica
    • Strengthens bones, teeth, nails, hair and skin

    100% Pure Herbs | No Fillers | Vegan | No Chemical Additives

  • MIRACLE TREE The world’s most nutritious tree ‘Moringa leaf’ contains approximately 20 types of amino acids, 46 types of antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatory compounds.
    All natural 90+ nutrients make for the best natural nutritional supplement. It is a tremendous source of bio-available vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin E and Macro Minerals, Trace Minerals and Phyto nutrients.

  • The potent capsules consists of Moringa Oleifera leaf powder, Moringa Oleifera Seed Powder, Amla Fruit Powder (Indian gooseberry) and Black Pepper, This is a wonderful supplement that packs a host of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, anti-oxidants, amino acids, protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, fiber, phyto-nutrients, etc. Piperinein black pepper is a good way to increase nutrient absorption up to 2000 %.Consumption of our Moringa products, especially Moringa Potent capsules, revivifies your body, enabling you to unleash your true potential and experience healthy living like never before. Moringa leaves are the richest source of vitamin A. 100 g of fresh leaves possess 7564 IU or 252% of daily-required levels of vitamin A. This vitamin is a fat-soluble anti-oxidant to offer multiple benefits that include immunity & help to lower your risk of infections. It is amazing to know that 100 g of fresh raw leaves offer 9.8 g of protein or about 17.5% of daily-required levels.Moringa leaves are excellent sources of minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium and magnesium.Contains of B-complex and vitamins such as foliates, vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), riboflavin, thiamin (vitamin B-1), pantothenic acid and niacin.


    Organic Moringa Leaf (Moringa oleifera), Organic Amla Fruit (Phyllanthus emblica), Organic Moringa Seed (Moringa oleifera), Organic Black Pepper Fruit (Piper nigrum).

  • Take charge of your health and improve your nutrition by adopting ashwagandha root powder in your daily routine. Known to boost health and vitality, this powerful substance can help you lead the energetic life you always wanted. The powder of Ashwagandha root possesses superb health benefits! A proven stress reliever, it helps fight anxiety, depression, insomnia and weakness and is also known to help with muscle and joint pain, arthritis, fatigue and even blood pressure and diabetes related complications. Ashwagandha capsules can also be consumed to deal with problems such as low sperm count, erectile dysfunction and lack of stamina. Ashwagandha root powder Promotes Graceful Aging, Helps combat the effects of stress, Combats Stress-Related Hypertension, Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsinessic Activity, Can Reduce Cortisol Levels, Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration, Ashwagandha root powder Improves learning, memory, and reaction time. Ashwagandha root powder Anti-Cancer Properties & Can Reduce Blood Sugar Levels and Stabilizes blood sugar, Helps lower cholesterol, Offers anti-inflammatory benefits, Contains anti-malarial properties,Enhances sexual potency for both men and women.


    Organic Ashwagandha Root (Withania somnifera), Ashwagandha Root Extract (Withania somnifera), (Standardized to 5% Withanolides), Black Pepper Fruit Extract (Piper nigrum)(95% Piperine).

  • Saludynam is an effective and safe choice because it:

    • Addresses the unique requirements of your bones.
    • Suits your diet.
    • Addresses the challenges of calcium utilization and absorption.
    • Is safe to take every day, over a lifetime.
    • Is easy to swallow – and tasty, too!
    • Is made by Salus – famous for quality and helping people stay healthy.

    In line with science, Salus Calcium Magnesium has a higher ratio of magnesium, plus added zinc and vitamin D; this ensures the calcium is delivered to and laid down in the bones properly for optimum bone strength.

    Not just for bones

    Calcium and magnesium deficiencies have been linked with PMS and painful periods, difficulty sleeping, common pregnancy complaints, leg cramps, and decreased exercise capacity. By correcting deficiencies, you may be able to say goodbye to some familiar symptoms.

  • Floradix Formula Liquid Iron supports women throughout their lifetimes – before, during and after the childbearing years. For the thousands of women who find they are unable to remain free from constipation commonly caused by iron supplementation, Floradix is the natural iron solution.

    Iron is one of the most common dietary deficiencies, affecting as many as 4-5 billion people or 66-80% of the world’s population, according to the World Health Organization.

    Some of the symptoms of iron deficiency are:
    • Fatigue and general lack of energy
    • Decreased ability to concentrate
    • Decreased endurance during exercise
    • Increased frequency of infection
    • Paleness and/or dark circles under the eyes
    • Brittle hair and nails
    • Cold hands and feet.


    • Super Antioxidant
    • Strengthens immune system

    Vitamin C is one of those substances that humans do not make and we can only get from food sources.

  • Sacha Inchi Oil is all natural Omega 3,6,9.
    Supports Brain, Heart and Nervous System Health.

    Sacha inchi oil is high in essential fatty acids : Omega 3/ALA (452mg/serv), Omega 6 (369mg/serv) and Omega 9 (97mg/serv). It is also high in phytosterols, phenolic compounds, carotenoids and especially tocopherols (vitamin E).

    Sacha inchi oil lowers cholesterol and reduces blood clotting naturally, build brain cell membrane and nourish brain cells.

Showing 1–12 of 24 results